Useful molecules against Alzheimer's found in beer hops

Molecules capable of inhibiting the aggregation of Alzheimer's-associated beta amyloid protein can be extracted from hop flowers used to flavor beer.

This is shown by laboratory tests conducted by the University of Milan-Bicocca with the State University of Milan and the Institute for Pharmacological Research Mario Negri .

The study, published in the journal ACS Chemical Neuroscience, could pave the way for new nutraceuticals against neurodegeneration.

In beer hops useful molecules against Alzheimer's disease
Italian discovery opens up development of nutraceuticals
Molecules that can inhibit the aggregation of Alzheimer's-associated beta amyloid protein can be extracted from hop flowers used to flavor beer
This is shown by laboratory tests conducted by the University of Milan-Bicocca with the State University of Milan and the Institute for Pharmacological Research Mario Negri. The study, published in the journal ACS Chemical Neuroscience, could pave the way for new nutraceuticals against neurodegeneration
Hop flowers had already come under the lens for their ability to interfere with the accumulation of amyloid beta protein
Italian researchers therefore decided to investigate further to understand what chemical compounds give hops this power
To identify them, they produced and characterized extracts of four common hop varieties, using a method similar to that used in the brewing process
Test tube tests have shown that the extracts have antioxidant properties and can prevent amyloid beta from aggregating in human nerve cells. The most effective extract is that obtained from Tettnang hops, which are found in many types of lagers and light beers
When the extract was separated into fractions, the one containing a high level of polyphenols showed the most potent antibiotic and aggregation-inhibiting activity; it also promoted processes that enable the body to eliminate neurotoxic misfolded proteins
Researchers conclude that although this work does not justify the consumption of more bitter beers, it shows that hop compounds could serve as the basis for nutraceuticals against Alzheimer's
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