Harvard professor believes he has found fragments of alien technology

Harvard professor Avi Loeb claimed to have found fragments of alien technology in a meteor that fell into the waters, off Papua New Guinea, in 2014.

According to the U.S. Space Command, the material studied by Loeb and his researchers, would arrive, with 99.999 percent certainty from another solar system. An analysis of the material's composition showed that this one, composed of several spherules, consists of 84 percent iron, 8 percent silicon, 4 percent magnesium and 2 percent titanium plus trace elements.

According to the researchers, this material would have very unique characteristics.

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Fragments of alien technology found?
Harvard professor Avi Loeb claimed to have found fragments of alien technology in a meteor that fell into the waters off Papua New Guinea in 2014. According to the US Space Command, the material studied by Loeb and his researchers, would arrive with 99.999% certainty from another solar system.
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The material found
An analysis of the material's composition showed that it is composed of various spherules and consists of 84% iron, 8% silicon, 4% magnesium and 2% titanium plus trace elements. According to the researchers, this material would have very unique characteristics.
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All the "anomalies"
According to Loeb, what was analysed had a harder material strength than all the space rocks ever seen up to this point and catalogued by NASA itself. Its speed was also much faster: 60 km per second, i.e. 95 per cent faster than all stars in the vicinity of the Sun.
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The incredible hypothesis
Also according to Loeb, the fact that it was made of stronger materials than iron meteorites and that it moved faster, would suggest that it might be a spaceship from another civilisation or some technological contraption.
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Natural or artificial material?
According to Loeb, it would still be too early to draw any conclusions. What can be said, at least for the moment, is that one should begin to establish whether the material found is natural or artificial. If the material is natural, this could provide valuable information to researchers about what types of material are found outside our solar system. If the material is artificial, the questions that would arise would be quite different...
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