Five technological innovations that are revolutionizing medicine

Today we are offering you five technological innovations that are revolutionizing medicine.

Thanks to the latest developments in healthcare digitalization such as artificial intelligence, 3D printers, virtual and augmented reality, nanotechnology and robotics, the future of medicine is increasingly taking shape.

Keeping up with technological advances is necessary to ensure that humans control technology, not the other way around.

The human-machine alliance will be fundamental not only to better accommodate future changes in the health system, but also to allow human beings to manage an increasingly digital world with criteria.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the tool destined to completely revolutionize healthcare, thanks to its multiple uses: the ability to formulate treatment plans, develop new drugs and analyze samples of cancerous tissue are just some of the possibilities
Virtual Reality (VR) is already being used in different contexts, from training future surgeons to training experienced surgeons in view of complicated operations. A hospitalized person could pretend to be traveling or being at home. The possibilities are manifold
3D printing: molding of blood vessels, artificial limbs, biomaterials and pills, the list is constantly growing and shows no sign of stopping. Endless application possibilities
Robotics and nanotechnology: Developments on robots range from disinfectant robots and exoskeletons to surgical robots and simulators, as well as nanodevices can act as a drug delivery system, tiny surgeons or tools to treat cancer.
Health trackers, sensors and wearables are devices that allow patients to know and be aware of their health to have greater control over their lives
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