An 8 kg meteorite found in Antarctica, one of the largest found

An international team of researchers has returned from Antarctica with five new meteorites, including one weighing 7.6 kilograms. It is estimated that of the approximately 45,000 meteorites recovered from Antarctica in the last century, only a hundred are comparable in size or greater than these.

The five meteorites recovered by the team will be analyzed at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences.

Meanwhile, sediments that could potentially contain tiny micrometeorites have been split between researchers to be studied at their institutions.

photo by inaf
The discovery
An international team of researchers has returned from Antarctica with five new meteorites, including one weighing 7.6 kilograms.
photo by inaf
A specimen like few others
Maria Valdes, a researcher at Field Museum and the University of Chicago, estimates that of the approximately 45,000 meteorites recovered from Antarctica in the last century, only about a hundred are comparable in size or larger than these.
photo Ansa
The group in Antarctica
The mission in which he took part Maria Valdes was led by Vinciane Debaille of theUniversité Libre de Bruxelles (Fnrs-Ulb) andMaria Schönbächler (Eth-Zurich) and Ryoga Maeda (Vub-Ulb) were also  present in the team. This young group was the first to explore potential new meteorite sites mapped using satellite imagery from Veronica Tollenaar, a student who is doing her thesis in glaciology at Ulb.
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They will be put for analysis
The five meteorites recovered by the team will be analyzed at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences. Meanwhile, sediments that could potentially contain tiny micrometeorites have been split between researchers to be studied at their institutions.
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The results are awaited
Maria Valdes says she is eager to see what meteorite analysis will reveal, because "studying meteorites helps us better understand our place in the universe. The bigger the sample of meteorites we have, the better we can understand our solar system and the better we can understand ourselves."
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