The top 10 financial billionaires: who they are and what they are worth

Welcome to the photo gallery "The top 10 billionaires in finance: who they are and what they are worth".

This ranking was recently compiled by Forbes and presents the names of the world's ten richest billionaires in the finance sector. In this photo gallery, we take you on a tour of these extraordinary entrepreneurs and their impressive fortunes.

You will discover how these influential figures achieved success in finance and some of the investments that enabled them to become billionaires. We invite you to explore this photo gallery and learn more about the top 10 billionaires in finance.

The top 10 financial billionaires: who they are and what they are worth
Welcome to the photo gallery "The top 10 billionaires in finance: who they are and what they are worth". This ranking was recently compiled by Forbes and presents the names of the world's ten richest billionaires in the finance sector. In this photo gallery, we take you on a tour of these extraordinary entrepreneurs and their impressive fortunes. You will discover how these influential figures achieved success in finance and some of the investments that enabled them to become billionaires. We invite you to explore this photo gallery and learn more about the top 10 billionaires in finance.
Photo by Neilson Barnard/Getty Images for New York Times
10) Carl Icahn - Net worth: $18.5 billion
In tenth place in this ranking compiled by Forbes is Carl Icahn, US entrepreneur and investor. In 2017 he was briefly an advisor to then US President Donald Trump on the subject of financial regulations. He resigned from the post due to conflicts of interest. Icahn's main investment vehicle is the publicly listed Icahn Enterprises.
Photo by Eoin Noonan /Web Summit via Getty Images
9) Ray Dalio - Net worth: $19.1 billion
Ray Dalio, a U.S. entrepreneur, ranks ninth. Bridgewater Associates, a hedge fund company founded by Dalio in 1975, manages about $150 billion.
By Singhaniket255 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
8) Abigail Johnson - Net worth: $21.6 billion
In eighth place is Abigail Johnson, president and CEO of the US investment company Fidelity Investments and chairman of its international subsidiary Fidelity International. The tenth richest woman in the world, Johnson owns an estimated 24.5 per cent stake in the company, which has $3700 billion in assets under management.
7) Robert Budi Hartono - Net worth: $24.6 billion
R.Budi Hartono, Indonesian entrepreneur, placed 7th. Robert Budi Hartono owns and runs (together with his brother Michael) the privately owned company Djarum, the world's third largest producer of clove cigarettes. The entrepreneur has also accumulated his wealth through profitable investments in Bank Central Asia, and in other sectors, such as electronics and real estate.
ERIC PIERMONT/AFP via Getty Images
6) Thomas Peterffy - Net worth: $28.1 billion
Sixth position for Thomas Peterffy, an American businessman of Hungarian origin: he is the founder, chairman and largest shareholder of Interactive Brokers, a company that markets its specialised trading platform for investors.
Jemal Countess/Getty Images
5) Stephen Schwarzman - Net worth: $28.1 billion
Stephen Allen Schwarzman, American entrepreneur, ranks 5th with the same assets as Thomas Peterffy . Schwarzman is chairman and CEO of The Blackstone Group, a global private equity firm founded in 1985 with Peter G. Peterson. The company has $941 billion in assets.
Andrew Toth/Getty Images
4) Jim Simons - Net worth: $28.1 billion
Fourth place and the same wealth for Jim Simons, American mathematician, hedge fund manager, billionaire and philanthropist. He is the founder of Renaissance Technologies, a quantitative hedge fund that manages about $50 billion.
3) Jeff Yass - Net worth: $30 billion
Jeff Yass ranks 3rd in this ranking. Jeffrey S. Yass is an American options trader, co-founder and CEO of the trading company Susquehanna International Group (SIG) and one of the first investors in TikTok.
PATRICK T. FALLON/AFP via Getty Images
2) Ken Griffin - Net worth: $32.6 billion
In second position is the philanthropic entrepreneur Ken Griffin. Kenneth Cordele Griffin is an American hedge fund manager, entrepreneur and investor. He is the founder, CEO, co-chief investment officer and 80% owner of Citadel LLC, a multinational hedge fund. He also owns Citadel Securities.
Drew Angerer/Getty Images
1) Warren Buffett - Net worth: $107.1 billion
First solo position for Warren Edward Buffett, US entrepreneur, economist and philanthropist, nicknamed the 'Oracle of Omaha' for his forecasting skills in financial investments. He is considered the greatest value investor of all time due to his ability to hold stocks in his portfolio for many years. Buffett has donated more than $49 billion to the Gates Foundation and his children's foundations.
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