The terrifying face of the ant has been revealed up close

This year marks Nikon's 48th annual competition, focusing on microscopic photography that reveals details invisible to the human eye. Lithuanian wildlife photographer Dr. Evgeniis Kavaliauskas presented "Formica (Camponoto)," which provides a nightmarish perspective on a bright-eyed everyday parasite with a wild growl and flame-like mustache.

Kavaliauskas said he appreciates the way microphotography allows him to find new and more interesting aspects of the subjects.

When asked about the fantastic appearance of the ant, Kavaliusks replied: "there is no horror in nature."

foto by Dr. Eugenijus Kavaliauskas
The Nikon contest on microphotography
A stunning photo of an ant's face magnified five times under a microscope is making the rounds on the web. Although it only earned a mention in the Small World Photomicrography contest of Nikon 2022.
foto freepik
The photo of the Dr. Evgeniis Kavaliauskas
The lithuanian wildlife photographer Dr. Evgeniis Kavaliauskas provided a perspective with shiny eyes and a wild face.
foto freepik
His mission
Kavaliauskas said he appreciated the way microphotography allows him to find new and more interesting aspects of the subjects.
foto freepik
The photographer's statements
When asked about the fantastic appearance of the ant, Kavaliusks replied: "there is no horror in nature."
foto freepik
A snubbed photo
The photo competed for the 48th annual Nikon competition, focusing on microscopic photography that reveals details invisible to the human eye. Kavaliaski's photo did not even enter the Top 20 and Honorable Mentions. categories
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