Five most distinctive flags in the world

Flags are one of the oldest legacies of our civilization. Modern flags come from what used to be called banners, and they were used by armies to recognize their allies and identify themselves among comrades.

Nowadays, flags still play an important role in cultural identification, but not only that. In fact, their most common use is to identify a nation or state, but still today they can be used as a method of communication, for example in the nautical world.

Focusing only on national flags, today we want to have some fun by showing you what are the most distinctive, as well as beautiful and striking, flags in the world.
Five most distinctive flags in the world
Flags are one of the oldest legacies of our civilization. Modern flags come from what used to be called banners, and they were used by armies to recognize their allies and identify themselves among comrades. Nowadays, flags still play an important role in cultural identification, but not only that. In fact, their most common use is to identify a nation or state, but still today they can be used as a method of communication, for example, in the nautical world. Focusing only on national flags, today we want to have some fun by showing you what are the most distinctive, as well as beautiful and striking, flags in the world.
Di Caleb Moore - Improved version from xrmap flag collection 2.9., Pubblico dominio, https://commons
This is the only flag that features human figures. It was adopted in September 1981, after the country achieved independence from the United Kingdom. The end result is achieved by mixing the former flag of British Honduras, the country's old name, and the unofficial civilian flag used from 1950 to 1981. The two figures are two loggers and represent both the country's thriving economy and the country's diverse population (one figure is mixed, the other is black). Also at the bottom is the country's motto "Sub Umbra Floreo" ("prosperous under the shadow").
Di Governo do Brasil - SVG implementation of law n. 5700/1971. Similar file available at Portal of t
Initially, the flag was in Dutch colours, as the country was a colony. The current one is derived from the old Brazilian imperial flag. The colours, green and yellow, represent the treasures of the country, namely the Amazon rainforest and the gold reserves, of which Brazil was plundered. Another theory has it that these colours were those of the Braganza royal family of Pedro I, the first emperor of Brazil (green), and that the yellow represents the house of Habsburg of Pedro I's wife, Leopoldina. The blue globe in the middle represents the sky over Rio de Janeiro on the morning of 15 November 1889, when the Republic was declared. Each of the 27 stars represents a different state and federal district.
Di See File history below for details. - Originally from the Open Clip Art website, then replaced wi
As you can clearly see, this flag is terribly beautiful and distinctive. The dragon in the middle, black and white wearing the typical Tibetan jewellery called norbu. Bhutan is known as the Land of the Dragon (the name of the country in the Dzongkha language, 'Druk Yul', the Kingdom of the Dragon). The dragon may also refer to the Drukpa of Tibetan Buddhism, the most widespread religion in Bhutan. As for colours, the colour orange represents the Buddhist tradition of the country, while the colour yellow represents the authority of the king and monarchy.
Di Drawn by User:Pumbaa80, User:Achim1999 - Constitution of The Kingdom of Nepal, Article 5, Schedul
The flag of Nepal is the only national flag that does not have a rectangular shape (while over other flags, of nautical for example, have triangular and similar shapes). This flag was formed taking into account the two branches of the old ruling house, the Rana dynasty. The symbols, a sun and a moon, also have meanings: the stylised moon at the top represents the Shah dynasty, the founder of the kingdom, while the sun at the bottom alludes to the Rana dynasty, which held governmental positions. It has been adopted since 1962. In addition, crimson red is the country's national colour.
Di UnknownVector graphics by Tobias Jakobs - Open Clipart Library, Pubblico dominio, https://commons
The flag obviously represents the Welsh dragon, called Y Ddraig Goch, which according to legends lives in Wales or Cornwall. It is popular belief that it was the battle standard of King Arthur and other ancient Celtic commanders. At present, Wales and Bhutan are the only nations to have a dragon on their flag. The white and green stripes on the flag were added by the House of Tudor, the Welsh dynasty that held the Kingdom of England from 1485 to 1603 (white and green are also the colours of the leek, another Welsh national symbol).
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