On this day: the Apollo 1 fire and other historical events of January 27

This is Holocaust Remembrance Day, an international holiday, celebrated as a day to commemorate the victims of the Holocaust.

On this day in 1945, Soviet troops arrived at the gates of the Polish town Oświęcim (in German Auschwitz), discovered the horror of the concentration camp, testimony to Nazi atrocities. On this day in 1756 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born and in 1888 the National Geographic Societywas founded.

Discover in the gallery other events concerning January 27th.

By NASA - This image or video was catalogued by one of the centers of the United States National Aer
On this day: the Apollo 1 fire and other historical events of January 27.
This is the Day of Remembrance, an international anniversary, celebrated as a day for commemorate the victims of the Holocaust. On this day in 1945 the troops Soviet women arrived at the gates of the Polish town Oświęcim (in German Auschwitz), they discovered the horror of the concentration camp, testimony of Nazi atrocities. On this day in 1756 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozartwas born. and in 1888 the National Geographic Societywas founded. Discover in the gallery Other events concerning 27 January.
Di Logaritmo - Opera propria, Pubblico dominio,
1945 - The Holocaust Remembrance Day
The Holocaus Remembrance day is an international anniversary, celebrated as a day for commemorate the victims of the Holocaust. It was thus designated by the resolution 60/7 of the United Nations General Assembly of 1 November 2005. In on this day in 1945 the Soviet troops of the 60th Army of the 1st Front They arrived at the gates of the Polish city of Oświęcim (German: Auschwitz) discovering the concentration camp. The discovery and testimonies of Survivors fully revealed for the first time to the world the horror of the Nazi-Fascist genocide.
Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images
1756 - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born
Child prodigy, Mozart – born in Salzburg, Austria – is considered one of the greatest Classical composers of all time. Prolific composer, he had a deep influence on Western music. Many of his works are considered apexes of choral, symphonic, operatic, chamber and concertante music. Before his death in 1971 at the age of 35, he had composed over 600 Works.
Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images
1965 – Debut of The Shelby GT 350
The Shelby GT 350, a sporty version of the Ford Mustang developed by driver and designer Carroll Shelby, is on the market. On the first day almost 22,000 Mustang were immediately purchased by buyers in Fordshowrooms. More than 400,000 Mustangs sold in the first year of production, far exceeding the sales expectations. In the following decades, the Mustang suffered numerous evolutions and remains in production today, with over 9 million units Sold.
Getty Images
1888 - the National Geographic Society was founded
The 33 founders of National Geographic Society were a heterogeneous group of geographers, explorers, teachers, lawyers, cartographers, military officers and financiers. They all shared an interest in scientific and geographical knowledge. Today National Geographic Society is one of the largest scientific institutions and non-profit educational of the world. The Company considers itself a custodian of the planet's natural resources. (Photo: photo illustration shows copies of the magazine National Geographic in several languages)
By from En.Wikipedia, Public Domai
1967 - the Apollo 1 fire 
A fire on the launch pad during testing of the Apollo program in Cape Canaveral, Florida, kills astronauts Virgil "Gus" Grissom, Edward H. White II and Roger B. Chaffee. An investigation indicated that a faulty electrical cable inside theApollo 1 command module was the likely cause of the fire. The astronauts, the first Americans to die in a spacecraft, were participating in a simulation of the Apollo 1 launch scheduled for the following month.
By Top of the Pops -, Fair use, https://e
1970 - John Lennon writes and records "Instant Karma" in a single day
"I did it. written at breakfast, I recorded it at lunch and we put it out for dinner." That's how John Lennon told the story of "Instant Karma", one of his most memorable songs as a solo artist and the Lennon 's third single to appear before the official dissolution of the Beatles. The only exaggeration in the description of John was the part about Cena: The album "Instant Karma" was actually released at public 13 days after being written and recorded in the course of a single Tuesday. Photo: Lennon and Ono (wearing a white bandage) perform the song in Top of the Pops February 1970)
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