Portuguese caravel, here's what you have to do if you meet her

If you are passionate about science and nature you may have heard or read in passing something about the Portuguese caravel, a creature as beautiful to see in its colors as dangerous to meet.

It is a siphonophore, or a set of zooids, single individualities physiologically integrated to survive.

These entities live together forming in fact what is the Portuguese caravel.

It is quite common in the tropical belts of the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Oceans but it is also possible to meet it in the Mediterranean Sea.

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What is the Portuguese caravel?
It is a siphonophore, with this specific term indicates a set of zooids, single individualities physiologically integrated to survive. These entities live together forming in fact what is the Portuguese caravel.
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The dangers of the Portuguese caravel
One of the most dangerous aspects of this creature are its poisons. The tentacles of the Portuguese caravel have in fact ten different types based on the prey or threat they face, and for some of them there is not yet a known remedy.
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Appearance and features
Aesthetically the Portuguese caravel could resemble a jellyfish, and is formed by four different types of polyps. The tentacles can reach up to 50 cm in length and are covered with stinging cells capable of releasing a liquid full of toxins.
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Bright colors attract prey
The Portuguese caravel is also noted for its very particular colors: the bluish and purple hues stand out in particular. This creature moves at great speed, traveling at about 20 meters per minute thanks to the wind and the maneuverability of its sail: with the wind in favor it can even travel almost 30 km a day.
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Where can you find the Portuguese caravel
It is quite common in the tropical belts of the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Oceans but it is also possible to meet it in the Mediterranean Sea.
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