Ocean Spirals will be the world's first underwater city

Ocean Spirals the underwater spiral city project launched several years ago may see the light of day in 2035.
Ocean Spirals the underwater spiral city project launched several years ago may see the light of day in 2035.
It is an advanced project of the Shimizu Corporation, a project using 3D printing technology.
The Shimizu Corporation has developed a small city project, namely ocean spirals, the technology used to implement this project is 3D printing.
The idea is to develop a small city at sea level, that is, a structure that on the one hand is normally resting on the ocean, but at the same time can rotate like a spiral until it finds itself in the ocean floor.
The project basically uses a system that allows this small city, which can accommodate up to 5,000 people, to rotate and through obviously watertight domes to find itself under the seabed in the event of natural disasters such as earthquakes.
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