Drought is a worldwide problem: here are the 10 tips to save water

Climate change is presenting us with greater and different challenges than ever before. In fact, the lack of rainfall and snowfall is pushing the world towards water shortages. Of course, we are not only talking about drinking water, which is used to quench our thirst, but also the water needed for energy plants and agriculture.

Some of our behaviors in fact, still linked to the old habits of abundance of our parents, are totally detrimental to the environment, as well as useless for practical purposes. Of course, there is a lack of proper environmental culture in schools in the first place, and that is where we step in.

In this little guide, we want to give you 10 quick tips on how to save water in everyday life.

Drought is a worldwide problem: here are the 10 tips to save water
Climate change is presenting us with greater and different challenges than ever before. The lack of rain and snowfall is indeed pushing the world towards a lack of water. We are obviously not just talking about drinking water, used to quench our thirst, but also the water needed for energy plants and agriculture. In fact, some of our behaviour, still tied to our parents' old habits of abundance, is totally detrimental to the environment, as well as useless for practical purposes. Of course, there is a lack of an adequate environmental culture in schools in the first place, and that is where we come in. In this little guide, we want to give you 10 quick tips on how to save water in everyday life.
Do not wash the car too frequently
It would be better to reduce the frequency with which you wash your car; it is a huge waste of water. Also, better not to use the pumps that are in the stations, even those consume tons of water every day: better to use the classic bucket and a nice sponge.
Check for toilet leaks
A leaking toilet can waste up to 80 litres of water a day without us even realising it. It should therefore be checked in case of a suspected leak. Furthermore, in the case of a cistern flush, it would be better to use the double button, so that the flow can be adjusted as required.
Check that taps do not leak
A dripping tap can waste up to 4,000 gallons of water in a year without actually using it. You need to call a plumber at the slightest suspicion. Also, to save water, it would be great to install flow reducers, which can save up to 50 percent of water.
Turn off the water when brushing your teeth
One of the greatest follies of our world, letting water run randomly, for no reason, while brushing one's teeth. This wastes 5 litres of water per minute, an intolerable loss now for our world and our environment. Better to use a moistened toothbrush, and only rinse at the end.
Folk tradition says that.
Between myth and legend, the water used for cooking pasta is said to be an excellent degreaser, and therefore allows dishes and glasses to be washed without excessive use of detergent. Try it to believe.
Turn off the water when you go on vacation
This advice is just a precaution, but you never know. Closing the water valve when you leave for a trip of even a few days is useful to prevent possible system failures that could lead to destroying your home, as well as wasting a lot of water.
Doing washing machines and dishwashers only when fully loaded
Using washing machines and dishwashers only when they are fully loaded is essential to avoid unnecessary water waste. Up to 11,000 liters of water can be saved in this way.
The shower is better than the bath
Choosing the shower instead of the bath is much faster and saves up to 100 liters of water each time. Of course, it would be best to turn off the water while soaping up.
How to rinse vegetables
To wash fruits and vegetables you can safely leave them submerged in water, without continuing to rinse with the tap open. The water used can be reinvested to water the plants. Simple as that, right?
How to shave
As with teeth, avoid shaving by letting the water run. It doesn't really make sense, if you think about it. You can safely fill the sink (you don't even need to fill it to the brim to tell the truth) and then let it run when you have finished shaving.
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