Five habits that help "save" the planet

We can all help do something to help the Planet, just by adopting some simple habits that taken individually may seem ineffective but can really make a difference.

Eating habits, improvements from the point of view of consumption, avoiding waste, changing some lifestyle habits... in short, there are really many things that can be put in place and everyone can do his or her part.

Let's try to understand, then, what might be the things we can do to help the Planet stay or return to health.

Habits that help the Planet
We can all help do something to help the Planet, just by adopting some simple habits that taken individually may seem ineffective but can really make a difference. Eating habits, improvements from the point of view of consumption, avoiding waste, changing some lifestyle habits... in short, the things that can be put in place are really a lot and everyone can do his or her part.
Prefer a diet of plant-based foods
Preferring a plant-based diet and limiting meat consumption seems to be a more environmentally friendly choice. Intensive livestock farms, in addition to posing the ethical problem of animal exploitation and conditions, are accused of wasting resources (agricultural and water) and polluting.
Encouraging zero-mile purchases
One of the most effective ways to help the Planet and the local economy is to prefer buying food produced by businesses not too far from where you live. This is the so-called zero-mile purchase. Favoring this type of economy means limiting road transportation and thus the pollution and waste of resources it causes. Not to mention that it is also important to pay attention to packaging, which is often made of plastic or excess paper.
Limiting plastic consumption
The pollution caused by plastic dispersion is one of the most serious problems that needs to be addressed when it comes to safeguarding the Planet. This is why it is absolutely important to curb its use (preferring other materials or reusable materials), encourage recycling, and adopt appropriate behaviors to limit its dispersion into the environment.
Getting around by alternative means to the car
To help the Planet, it may be helpful to prefer travel by public transportation, bicycle or any other means that is non-polluting. For short trips you can walk, which by the way is a very healthy activity. In short, whenever you can leave your car in the garage and you can move by alternative, emission-limiting means, you should prefer that solution.
Making more conscious purchases
Buying higher quality products that can last longer (such as clothes, for example) is a great way to avoid waste (and in the long run save money as well). Another tip to follow is to try to repair items, especially if they are relatively new, rather than buying them again.
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