Banksy's iconic works on display, photos

Some iconic works by Banksy are currently on display in Zurich, Switzerland, until next May 31.

The exhibition is titled "The Mystery of Banksy - A Genious Mind" and offers visitors a comprehensive overview and view of the brilliant artist's entire oeuvre in a unique setting. Visitors can admire graffiti, photographs, sculptures, video installations and prints on various materials such as canvas, fabric, aluminum, forex and Plexiglas that have been reproduced and brought together especially for this exhibition.

In all, there are more than 150 works by the super star artist of street art.

Banksy's works on display in Zurich
Some iconic works by Banksy are currently on display in Zurich, Switzerland, until next May 31.
The works on display
Visitors can admire graffiti, photographs, sculptures, video installations and prints on various materials such as canvas, fabric, aluminum, forex and Plexiglas that have been reproduced and brought together especially for this exhibition.
The number of works in the exhibition
In all, there are more than 150 works by the superstar street art artist.
The exhibition of Banksy 's works in Zurich
One of the works of the super star street art artist.
The exhibition of Banksy 's works in Zurich
One of the works of the super star street art artist.
The exhibition of Banksy 's works in Zurich
One of the works of the super star street art artist.
The exhibition of Banksy 's works in Zurich
One of the works of the super star street art artist.
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