Holocaust Remembrance Day: 10 films about the Holocaust

Holocaust Remembrance Day is one of the most important international anniversaries of all. Remembering the horrors of the Holocaust and the Nazi-fascist persecutions are the duty of every person who wishes that certain things never happen again.

Much is done by culture in this sense, thanks to testimonies of survivors, meetings, works of art but I am alone. Even cinematography has done and continues to do so much to keep alive the memory of those who have suffered unspeakable horrors.

Movies are the most powerful visual medium of our time, and on this occasion we want to remember the 10 best films that told the Holocaust.

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 The Book Thief- 2013
Very recommended film for kids and teens. It is directly death that tells the story of this girl who is given up for adoption to a German couple. Initially illiterate, the books will be his refuge from the harsh Germany in war. To share this passion will also come a young Jewish boy, who escaped the Night of Knives.
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Schindler's List - 1993
One of the best, if not the best, Holocaust movies of all time. Wonderful photography, incredible Spielberg direction, tells the story of a German entrepreneur who, thanks to his courage, saved more than 1000 Jews from the horrors of concentration camps. Liam Neeson legendary.
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The choice of Sophie - 1982
Meryl Steep won the Oscar Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role for this film. Set in the United States after World War II, it is about the coexistence between an aspiring writer and a young couple: a Polish girl who escaped concentration camps and a Jewish boy.
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The journey of Fanny - 2016
This film, based on an autobiographical book, tells the story of the escape of a 12-year-old girl, along with her sisters and friends, from Nazi roundups.
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Son of Saul - 2015
A raw, hard and moving story. A Hungarian Jew in the Auschwitz concentration camp who initially cooperates with German authorities finds his son's body among the corpses. Since then, everything within the camp will change, a real revolution.
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 The Zookeeper's Wife- 2017
Based on true events, it tells the story of a husband-and-wife couple, directors of the Warsaw Zoo, who attempt to save animals from slaughter by soldiers. In addition to this, they are able to hide hundreds of Jews in the cages of the facility.
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Life is Beautiful - 1997
Masterful interpretation of Roberto Begnini that earned him the 'Oscar, tells the story of a father a son in a concentration camp. The father does everything not to make his son understand where he is, going so far as to sacrifice his own life. One of the masterpieces of the genre, to be seen in the language.
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Train de vie - 1998
A sweet and bitter comedy. In an Eastern European village, residents try to escape Nazi deportations by trying to escape Switzerland by train.
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The Pianist - 2002
This is also one of the true masterpieces of Holocaust filmography. A score to applause tells the story of a Jewish pianist and his attempt to escape from the Jewish ghetto of Warsaw.
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The Boy in the Striped Pajamas - 2008
One of the films with the strongest emotional impact. It tells the story of an SS officer's son and his friendship with another child, a deportee from the concentration camp next to the house. The bond of the two will change the German boy, until a tragic epilogue.
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