The incredible images of sharks "invading" the Israeli coast

Like every year, many sharks have been spotted near the power plant in Hadera, Israel.

Sharks are spotted in that particular area between the months of November and April. When this happens, the Nature and Park Authority warns the population not to dive. Sharks, protected by Israeli law, cannot be disturbed or fed, and anyone caught doing so risks being prosecuted.

Feeding sharks could disrupt their natural way of life and create a connection for them between humans and food.

An "invasion" of sharks that is repeated every year
Like every year, many sharks have been spotted near the power plant in Hadera, Israel.
When you can spot sharks
Sharks are spotted in that particular area between the months of November and April. When this happens, the Nature and Park Authority warns the population not to dive.
Why it is forbidden to feed sharks
Sharks, protected by Israeli law, cannot be disturbed or fed, and anyone caught doing so risks being prosecuted. Feeding sharks could disrupt their natural way of life and create a connection for them between humans and food.
The species present and their protection in Israel
There are two species of sharks near Hadera, the Dusky shark and the Sandbar shark. Sharks in Israel are in danger of extinction and that is also why they are protected by law. The Nature and Park Authority warned against diving in the area as "an encounter with sharks is not predictable or controlled." As you can see from the images, however, someone tries to approach (it is not known if voluntarily or not).
The uniqueness of a place like Hadera
HaderaBeach, near the power plant, is one of the very few places in the world where you can watch sharks swim very close to shore without being scared of people.
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