The 9 smartest animals in the world

Who said that man is the only living being with intelligence? Some animal species possess truly amazing IQs!

Countless scientific and ethological studies confirm that many animal species have developed impressive intellectual abilities, in logic, language, memory and learning, among others.

But which species are the most similar to humans in cognitive abilities? We offer a ranking of the smartest animals on the planet!

Orangutans are, perhaps surprisingly, among the most intelligent animals on the planet: in fact, they are able to communicate information about the past, a common ability they share with humans.
Pigs have good spatial awareness and can remember cause and effect relationships like dogs. They are also able to return home quickly even after traveling great distances. These animals have intelligence equal to three-year-old children. Pigs like to roll around in the mud, but they also recognize the value of cleanliness.
Mice have demonstrated preferences for certain things and individuals, just like other domesticated animals. They use a process known as metacognition, or making judgments based on what they know or do not know, instead of acting arbitrarily. Rats are easier to train than typical domestic rodent species take pleasure in pleasing their owners.
Dogs can learn human language, solve problems and remember cause and effect relationships. They are able to execute complicated and chained orders. For example, dogs have been used to sniff out criminals, guard, herd and hunt for thousands of years. They can also detect impending convulsions and hear heart abnormalities.
The parrot is capable of learning words from human language and repeating them with great accuracy. Parrots can think abstractly, and their brains grow similarly to those of humans. They are very friendly creatures that require other living things to interact with and spend time with. Otherwise, they experience severe depression. They are also able to use tools to solve problems.
The dolphin's very high level of intelligence depends precisely on its high communication abilities and thus the effectiveness of its language. And the cerebral cortex of dolphins like the bottlenose dolphin has the same conformation of convoluted folds that is closely related to human intelligence. These folds increase the volume of the cerebral cortex and the ability of brain cells to connect with each other.
Gorillas have been shown to be able to learn between 150 and 350 human signs for communication. Gorillas have developed incredibly intricate social structures called gorilla battalions. They have strong emotional intelligence and self-awareness.
Cats are able to maintain their independence even after domestication. Their superior memory explains their enhanced perception of intellect.
Elephants have the cognitive ability for use and manufacture, like humans. They use their trunk as if it were an arm to manipulate objects with total dexterity.
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