Eight birds that can't fly

Birds are the flying animals par excellence and dominate the skies of the planet with over 11 thousand different species, thanks to their unique characteristics among all vertebrates.

But among all these varieties of shapes and colors there are some species that, in the course of evolution, have lost this very peculiar ability, becoming flightless birds.

There are over 60 birds currently living completely unable to fly, to which must be added entire extinct groups (including the dodo) and the various domestic forms that artificial selection has transformed into completely terrestrial animals.

Di Yathin S Krishnappa - Opera propria, CC BY-SA 4.0,
The ostrich is the fastest land bird, being able to reach a speed of 55 km / h with short shots that can reach up to about 70 km / h, the maximum land speed of any bird. The common ostrich is also the largest living species of bird.
Di JJ Harrison ( - Opera propria, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikim
Emus are flightless, but they are excellent runners, and a running emu can reach up to 48 km/h; They feed on a variety of plants and insects, and can spend weeks without eating. They drink rarely, taking most of their water from the plants and insects they feed on.
The nandu is a flightless bird native to Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. It inhabits a wide variety of open habitats, such as grasslands, savannas or grassy wetlands. Weighing 20–27 kilograms (44–60 lb), the common rhea is the largest bird in South America.
Di Department of Conservation -, CC BY 2.0, https://
The kakapo is a large terrestrial parrot, with nocturnal habits and unable to fly. It lives exclusively in New Zealand.
Pubblico dominio,
Penguins are the most aquatic birds of all, and their group evolved from flying birds, but now no penguin species can fly. They are very specialized and social animals.
Di Ilham.nurwansah - Opera propria, CC BY-SA 4.0,
The Australian cassowary is recognized as the second heaviest bird on earth, with an estimated maximum weight of 85 kg. Females are much larger than males, almost twice as large.
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