Heating: tips for saving money on your utility bill

Here are some tips to try for heating while saving money.

Electric stoves
On fall evenings or particularly cold winters, it can be useful to adopt an electric stove, but be careful. Electric heaters are expensive, and excessive use can weigh down your utility bill. The advice is to use to heat moderately small rooms.
It is okay to open windows, but without overdoing it. Air exchange asks for a maximum of ten minutes and it is best to do it, for example, in the morning when you wake up. Doing it during the rest of the day is wasteful: it unnecessarily cools the environment and consumption rises. On the other hand, if it is sunny, green light to open windows: despite the low temperatures, the sun's rays bring natural heat.
Humidity incident on perceived temperature: buying a dehumidifier may be the solution to the cold unjustly suffered. humidity in the air. This allows you to better perceive heat and reduce the thermostat temperature. Enjoying this is not only health, but also wallet.
20 degrees
The temperature in the house should never exceed 20 degrees. Maintaining a constant temperature is beneficial both in terms of consumption and health. 20° is in fact the ideal gradation for our physique. The tip for maintaining the temperature is to adopt a smart thermostat that helps avoid unnecessary waste of energy.
Another strategy you can try is the use of rugs and the adoption of carpeting to save on heating. Such special surfaces in fact prevent heat from dissipating through the floor.
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