Corum Bubble 47 Central Tourbillion by Label Noir

Label Noir has used all his experience in terms of colors and finishes to emphasize the watch in his own way and make the Bubble a contemporary symbol.

The Bubble Central Tourbillon is characterized by the mechanical spectacle that is highlighted in the center by the dome, while l’affichage – without hands and only indicators – is peripheral.

Label Noir then opted for very graphic, deceptively minimalist finishes, because the play of nuances is complex, with anthracite and silver shades, matt finishes, for the strap, the case, the bezel and the plate.

Finally, what you have to read, is highlighted with some strokes of color contrast: acid green, the signature of Label Noir, the hour and minute indicators, the double branding and the stitching of the strap.

credit image by Press Office Corum

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