What are the 10 most powerful armies in the world? The ranking

The website Global Firepower has conducted a thorough analysis of more than 50 factors to determine the military strength of the world's leading countries, resulting in a ranking updated to 2023.

This ranking takes into account factors such as availability of assets and armaments, total military personnel, defence budget, total population, technological advancement, geographical, logistical, industrial and financial conditions, and the number and influence of international allies.

The combination of these factors determines the score, with 0.0000 being the perfect score: nations that come closest to this score are understood to be militarily more powerful.

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What are the 10 most powerful armies in the world? The ranking
The website Global Firepower has conducted a thorough analysis of more than 50 factors to determine the military strength of the world's leading countries, resulting in a ranking updated to 2023. This ranking takes into account factors such as availability of assets and armaments, total military personnel, defence budget, total population, technological advancement, geographical, logistical, industrial and financial conditions, and the number and influence of international allies. The combination of these factors determines the score, with 0.0000 being the perfect score: nations that come closest to this score are understood to be militarily more powerful.
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10) Italy
Power index: 0.1973
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9) France
Power index: 0.1848
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8) Japan
Power index: 0.1711
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7) Pakistan
Power index: 0.1694
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6) South Korea
Power index: 0.1505
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5) United Kingdom
Power index: 0.1435
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4) India
Power index: 0.1025
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3) China
Power index: 0.0722
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2) Russia
Power index: 0.0714
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1) United States of America
Power index: 0.0712
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