60 stolen works of art return to Italy: together they are worth a fortune

Today, Tuesday, January 24, is a great day for Italian culture. With a joint operation of Italian and American investigators, it was possible to bring back to Belpaese as many as 60 works of art that had been illegally stolen from North America.

The finds, the result of clandestine excavations or even, sometimes, of real thefts, have a total value of around 20 million euros. Not to mention the historical, artistic and cultural value, truly priceless.

Among the objects found there was also a Pompeian fresco.

Stolen archaeological works
Beautiful day for the world of art and culture. 60 archaeological works of which the traces had been lost have returned to Italy, some of which are unknown even to the academic world itself.
A treasure worth 20 million euros
This collection has a value of about 20 million euros. However, without a doubt, adding to the economic, cultural and historical value, the result is much higher.
The happiness of the Minister of Culture
Particularly radiant was the Minister of Culture Gennaro Sangiuliano, who praised the effort made by the police to bring to light this underground trade that was depriving millions of people from being able to admire such a heritage.
Joint work of Italy and USA
Working on the investigation that found all these wonderful works were, on the Italian side, the Carabinieri for the Protection of Cultural Heritage (TPC) and the New York County District Attorney's Office (DAO) for the United States.
Operations still in progress
Minister Sangiuliano, together with the commander of the Carabinieri, speaks of "operation still in progress", thus making it clear that other similar works could be discovered during this operation.
There is often a risk of damage
Italian investigators have also explained how one of the main dangers of art theft is to be found in the "improvised restorers", who therefore risk ruining works of art of inestimable value due to unhealthy environments or lack of experience.
Sgarbi with outstretched leg on interceptions
The Undersecretary for Culture Vittorio Sgarbi hopes that, during these investigations, the instrument of interceptions will also be used: "It is clear that one cannot imagine excluding interceptions concerning the field of stolen works of art. Nordio think about it."
The underwater world of works of art
Sometimes it is not necessary to intervene against criminals to regain ownership of works of art stolen from the country. For example, in 2021, New York returned to Italy over 200 stolen ancient works, worth 10 million euros (Source: Il Sole 24 Ore).
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One of the most incredible pieces
Really interested, for example, a male bronze bust, which dates back between the end of the first century BC and the first century AD, to which there are still traces of materials used to make the color of the eyes, arrived in the United States through a Swiss dealer who sold it to a collector in the county of New York.
Collaboration between agents is the key to success
The investigations conducted by American agents are indispensable, a country that is the destination of several stolen works of art.
A pool of ad hoc magistrates is ready
The deputy prosecutor at the Court of Rome, Angelantonio Racanelli, also proposed the creation of a team of magistrates to work only on this investigation. This could lead to speeding up the investigations.
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