4000-year-old ostrich egg fragments found in Israel

In Israel's Negev region, eight ostrich eggs have been discovered that date back more than 4,000 years. The announcement was made by the Israel Antiquities Authority.

Located in what could have been a nomad camp since prehistoric times, ostrich eggs could date back to an even earlier period, such as 7500 years ago.

In addition to ostrich eggs, stone tools, pottery fragments and burnt stones were found inside the site. But ostrich eggs would be the most special discovery.

Sensational discovery in Israel
In Israel's Negev region, eight ostrich eggs have been discovered that date back more than 4,000 years. The announcement was made by the Israel Antiquities Authority. In addition to ostrich eggs, stone tools, pottery fragments and burnt stones were found inside the site. But ostrich eggs would be the most special discovery.
Uncertainty about the dating of the finds
Located in what could have been a camp for nomads since prehistoric times, ostrich eggs could date back to an even earlier period, namely 7500 years ago. The ancient camps were buried by sand dunes, which also allowed the preservation of the finds.
The spread of ostriches in the area where the discovery took place
Ostriches were quite common in that area, although they became extinct in the wild during the nineteenth century. They were so widespread that this is now not the first egg discovery made by archaeologists.
What ostrich eggs were used for
As stated by Dr. Amir Gorzalczany ofIAA, ostrich eggs are typically found in funerary settings and as luxury items. Eggs were used as a food source but also as an integral part of ceremonial rites. Some eggs have in fact been found decorated.
Why no ostrich bones have ever been found
Archaeologists reveal a curiosity: while it is not at all uncommon to find ostrich eggs inside archaeological excavations, the bones of the bird have never been found. This could mean that in ancient times people avoided confronting the animal and were content to collect its eggs.
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