New Year's Eve in the world: when are they celebrated?

In most countries of the world, New Year's Day coincides with the date of January 1, i.e. the first day of the Gregorian calendar.

And if most people celebrate the beginning of the new year according to these timings, this is obviously not the case for everyone. The date of New Year's Eve is in fact influenced by both the culture and religion of a people.

And so, the Chinese New Year is celebrated between January 21 and February 20 (dates of the Gregorian calendar), at the new moon. The Islamic New Year is celebrated on the first day of the month of Muharram, which can correspond to any day in the Gregorian calendar. But what other New Year's Eve are celebrated in the world? Let's find out.

What affects the date of New Year's Eve
In most countries of the world, New Year's Day coincides with the date of January 1, i.e. the first day of the Gregorian calendar. And if most people celebrate the beginning of the new year according to these timings, this is obviously not the case for everyone. The date of New Year's Eve is in fact influenced by both the culture and religion of a people.
The Chinese New Year is celebrated between January 21 and February 20 (dates of the Gregorian calendar), at the new moon. In 2023 it is celebrated on January 22nd. Vietnamese New Year is celebrated in conjunction with Chinese New Year.
Jewish New Year
The Jewish New Year, Rosh ahShana, is usually celebrated in September. In 2023 it will be held from 15 to 17 September. Rosh ahShana, however, is the civil New Year while the religious one occurs in the month of Abib, the first month, in which Easter was instituted.
ANSA (Muharram in Karachi)
Islamic New Year
The Islamic New Year is celebrated on the first day of the month of Muharram, which can correspond to any day in the Gregorian calendar. In the Islamic calendar, Muharram besides being the first month of the year, is one of the four holy months. In some countries such as Afghanistan, Iran, Tajikistan, all Turkish-Iranian or Turkish-Persian countries (Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, ) and Turkey, the New Year coincides with March 21, i.e. the spring equinox.
Hindu New Year
Hindus usually celebrate the New Year two days before Diwali, the festival of Light. The Hindu New Year is therefore celebrated in mid-November (according to the Gregorian calendar).
Orthodox New Year
Some Orthodox Churches and Eastern Catholic Churches usually celebrate the New Year following the old Julian calendar and for strictly religious purposes only. This means that New Year, in this case, is celebrated on January 14 (according to the Gregorian calendar).
New Year's Eve in Tibet
The Tibetan New Year is called Losar and is celebrated between the months of January and March (according to the Gregorian calendar). In 2023 Losar is celebrated on February 21st. -
Songran in Thailand, Cambodia, Burma and Bengal
In countries such as Thailand, Cambodia, Burma and Bengal, the Solar New Year is called Songran and is celebrated between 13 and 15 April on the occasion of the change of position of the sun in the ring of the zodiac.
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