On this day: the discovery of the largest diamond in the world and the other historical events of the 25th January

Science remember this day for the landing on Mars in 2004 of the rover Opportunity.

Scheduled to be operational for 90 sols (1 sol equals 24 hours, 39 minutes and 35 seconds) has been transmitting information for more than 14 years, a great success of technology. January 25 is the day of the inauguration of the first Winter Olympics (1924), first elections of the new State of Israel (1949), the premiere of the famous film Disney "101 Dalmatians", film in the hearts of many generations.

Finally, the largest rough diamond in the world is found.

Scroll through the gallery to find out what it is Success on this day in January.

By Unknown author - Plate I, The Cullinan (1908)., Public Domain,
On this day: the discovery of the largest diamond in the world and the other historical events of January 25
Science remembers this day for the landing on Mars in 2004 of rover Opportunity . Programmed to be operational for 90 sols (1 sol equals 24 hours, 39 minutes and 35 seconds) it has transmitted information for more than 14 years, a great success of the technology. January 25 is the day of the inauguration of the first Winter Olympics (1924), the first elections of the new State of Israel (1949), the premiere of the famous Disney film"101 Dalmatians", film   in the hearts of many generations. Finally, the largest rough diamond in the world is found. Scroll through the gallery to find out what happened on this day in January.
Di Auguste Philippe Matisse - precise immediate image source is unknown. The poster is also on displ
1924 - The first Winter Olympic Games open in Chamonix, France.
The "International Winter Sports Week", as it was known, was A great success. Only six disciplines are organized: biathlon, bobsleigh, curling, ice hockey, skiing, skating). The scheduled races were 16 and of the almost 300 athletes, only 13 were women. Norway excelled in the medal table with 4 gold, 7 silver and 6 bronze medals.
By Fritz Cohen - This is available from National Photo Collection of Israel, Photography dept. Gover
(1949) First elections in the new State of Israel
The first elections in Israeli history, saw the participation of 85.8% of the electorate. David Ben-Gurion, a member of the Mapaiparty, became first minister, retaining this office, with a brief interruption (1953-55), until to 1963 and playing a decisive role in the construction of the new state and in all its main choices of domestic and international politics.
Di Lothar Wolleh - Opera propria, CC BY-SA 3.0,
1959 – Second Vatican Council announced
The Council Ecumenical Vatican II, abbreviated as Vatican II, was the twenty-first and the most recent ecumenical council of the Catholic Church. His convocation was announced by Pope John XXIII at the Chapter House of the Monastery of San Paolo in Rome. The Council's work took place over the course of four sessions, whose official language was Latin. The importance of the Council has Vatican II been compared to that of the Council of Trento (1545-1563).
By IMP Awards, Fair use,
"101 Dalmatians" (1961)
The famous Animated film of Walt Disney, based on a novel by Dodie Smith, comes out in American cinemas. The protagonists are the Dalmatian dogs Pongo and Penny, and the wicked Crudelia De Mon which was originally called Cruella de Vil, is a classic of Disney animation. It was the first animated film with the xerographic technique which allowed to save considerably on inking and which will then be widely used until the advent of digital coloring.
By Unknown author - Plate I, The Cullinan (1908)., Public Domain,
1905 - Found The largest diamond in the world
Frederick Wells, Superintendent of the Premier Mine mine in Pretoria, South Africa, during A routine inspection uncovers a 3,106-carat rough diamond. With a weight 1.33 pounds (621.35 g) and christened "The Cullinan", is the diamond largest ever found. The Cullinan produced 9 stones greater than 1,055.89 carats (211.178 g) in total, plus 96 minor diamonds.
By NASA/JPL/Cornell University, Maas Digital LLC -
2004 – Reached Mars
The rover Opportunity (MER-B) of NASA lands on the surface of Mars three weeks later Its twin Spirit (MER-A), arrived on the other side of the planet. Opportunity was operational on Mars for 5111 sols (14 years, 138 days) against a planned activity of 90 sol. Spirit has worked until it crashed in 2009 and ceased communications In 2010, while Opportunity, due to a sandstorm, ceased communications on 10 June and went into hibernation on 12 June 2018.
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