Happy birthday to Bobi: the world's oldest dog had his birthday

Bobi is an extraordinary dog who has set a world record.

Certified by Guinness World Records as the world's oldest dog, Bobi has lived a long and loving life and celebrated his birthday.

Bobi proved with this record that the affection and care of loved ones can make all the difference in the lifespan of an animal, extending it by many years to the happiness of its owners.

In this photo gallery, we explore Bobi's life and find out how many years he has lived.

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Bobi, the world's oldest dog: here's how old he is
Bobi is an extraordinary dog who has set a world record. Certified by Guinness World Records as the world's oldest dog, Bobi has lived a long and loving life. With this record, Bobi has proven that the affection and care of loved ones can make all the difference in the lifespan of an animal. In this article, we explore Bobi's life and find out how many years he lived.
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On 11 May 2023, Bobi turned 31 years old, having been born in 1992.
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Bobi is a pure-bred rafeiro do Alentejo.
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Bobi has always lived with the Costa family in Conqueiros, Portugal.
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The Record
The record beaten by Bobi had stood for almost a century and belonged to Bluey, an Australian Cattle Dog who died in 1939 at the age of 29 years and five months.
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The breed to which Bobi belongs has an average life expectancy of 12 to 14 years. The family reports that the dog is healthy and has always enjoyed a trouble-free life.
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Secret of its longevity
Leonel Costa, the owner, says that the secret of Bobi's longevity may depend on the environment in which he lives, which has been described as 'calm and peaceful'. The owner reports that Bobi's mother lived until the age of 18.
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Bobi, has been crowned the oldest dog ever and his old age has been validated by the Veterinary Medical Service database of the Municipality of Leiria, where Bobi was registered in 1992.
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