The fastest animals in the world

Insects, felines, fish and birds: here are the 10 fastest in the world.The animal world is populated by beautiful creatures that are also very fast. This characteristic forces the animal to expend a great deal of energy but to achieve important goals such as catching prey in order to survive. Here are the 10 fastest animals in the world.

It can then reach 65 kilometers per hour in two seconds from a standing start. With a single leap, it can cover a distance of 6 meters
Peregrine falcon
It can reach speeds approaching 200 miles per hour, coming to resemble a sports car
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It reaches up to 110 km/h and can even jump out of the water
Tiger beetle
Its 2.5 m/s, calculated on a human, would correspond to 810 km per hour
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Mako Shark
It goes as far as 124 km/h just to hunt
It can sprint from 7 m/s, equal to 25 km/h. There are instances when it can touch as high as 100 km per hour
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This bird runs up to 70 km/h and can maintain this speed even for several kilometers
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